Saturday, December 18, 2010

Whiskey Distillery tour

So, while in Scotland, one of the things I really wanted to do was go on a distillery tour and get drunk in the morning. It did not start off well, it was raining that morning and we got yelled at by the receptionist/tour guide upon entering the building for some stupid reason. It was off-season for whisky making, which meant that all the vats were empty and it didn't really smell like whisky in the factory at all. Our guide was condescending and extremely bitter that the distillery was owned by the Japanese. We walked through the boring tour, politely listening, and trying to not get in trouble with our guide because we knew that the tasting was coming at the end, when we would be shuffled into the gift shop, as with every factory tour. It was a huge letdown, then, when we applauded the end of the talk and were poured literally a thimbleful of whisky, no more. We trudged back in pouring rain, stone sober and finished with distillery tours.

A "Full Scottish" breakfast

Clockwise from top: Butter soaked sweet raisin bread thing, flat bannock-like carbs, grilled tomatoes (best thing on the plate), (above tomatoes, hash browns), sauteed mushrooms, baked beans, 2 poached eggs. Also came with a pile of toast and coffee. Served with grotesque UK tabloids. The idea of it sounded good, but in practice, I felt really sick after.

Indian food that makes me salivate to this day

This is a restaurant a block away from Mo's house called Tayyab's. It was so good. We purposefully over-ordered so that we could have leftovers to take home and eat the following day. It was the best cold breakfast ever eaten on the train to Scotland.